Free Joomla 3.4.1 Template

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Constructo is a free joomla template which works with the latest 3.4.1 Joomla version, but also later version (3.0, 2.5). If you like dark designs then you should download this design right now. Let us know in the comments if you like this one.

RELATED:  Free Joomla 3.3 Template

This article has 9 comments

  1. Lavalite Reply

    This is a very nice template. Is there any documentation available for it? I doing a test install and would like to know how to remove unused social media buttons at the top (want to keep facebook & email though) and I would also like to remove the blue highlight on the active menu item (in top menu).

    Keep up the great work guys!

  2. Jon Reply

    Article list table displays date & hits, even though date & hits are set to hide.

    I set the date and hits to “hide”, but they display!

    I went to Article Manager, clicked Options, clicked List Layouts, set “Date” to “Hide” and “Hits” to “Hide”, but they continue to display here:

    I googled

    and I looked through the Constructo template’s modules and html/com_content and html/layouts, but I could not find the source of the problem.

    Bonus question:
    Can I eliminate the table and just have a list? of article titles?

    Using Joomla 3.4.1.


  3. Jon Reply

    I solved the above – too complex for me to describe, but it’s solved.

  4. Vic Reply

    Hi there,
    I am using your template to create a personal page but not sure how to create links for sliding images. I can see only option to put descriptions but not links. I will very much appreciate if you can show me how to do that.
    Thank you,

  5. Gary Reply

    The social buttons “Turn On and Off” does not appear to work at all. I have tested with the latest Explorer and Firefox – It always displays.

    On Safari it does not show at all, no matter what.

    Your assistance / feedback will be greatly appreciated.

  6. Timothy Reply

    I like Constucto template it is very nice, I expect to use it soon as possible on my first website. I appreciate you!

  7. Steve Fahie Reply

    I think the free Constructo is great for a small construction firm, and I’m trying to use it to update a website for a more modern look. I can’t seem to get rid of the Social buttons though, even though I have turned them off in the template manager. Also, it would be nice to change the timing of the slideshow.

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