How to Disguise a Link

Are you wondering how to disguise a link? This would be beneficial if you run a website, as you can get more affiliate program clicks. There are a couple of methods to try, which we have covered below.

If you would like a detailed guide, as well as a look at related topics, read ahead.

How Do You Disguise a Link?

There are three ways to do this. Using the “a href’ HTML attribute is the most popular. Some other methods include using a Domain Redirect, and a special WordPress Plugin. However, if you want to completely make a link invisible, you can change its font and color.

We’ve discussed each of these methods below.

How Do You Use HTML?

Here’s what you need to do:

  • Find the “urlofwebsite” text in the code, and replace it with another page
  • Enter what you want the link to appear as after the > symbol (make sure it is related to the content of the site)
  • Place a “ after the phrase to close the link

How Do You Use a WordPress Plugin?

There are many WordPress Plugins that you can use. One of the best from these is Pretty Link. A 301 redirect would be placed on the link that you’re trying to disguise. This would let the server know that it should be forwarded.

The plugin has two packages. One of them is the free version, while the other is the premium one. Although the free version will get the job done, it won’t come with as many analytical tools.

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How Do You Use Domain Name Forwarding?

Most registrars let you forward domains to files and directories. You can use this to your advantage. Set up a domain that is registered to a new directory on the server, and forward the primary domain to it.

Ultimately, the secondary domain would forward visitors to your affiliate program.

How Do You Use Invisible Text to Disguise Links?

Adjust the anchor text color and font to match the site design if you want to make it invisible.

Should You Hide Your Links?

Having more visitors click on affiliate links is the biggest advantage. However, remember that Google will penalize you if they find out.

Instead of getting more affiliate clicks, you might be trying to manipulate Google’s search rankings. This would get you into a lot of trouble. You might be violating the Webmaster Guidelines, which can get your site shut down.

Not only can you be penalized for purposely hiding links, but also for having links that aren’t easily viewable by visitors.

How Do You Get Visitors to click on Affiliate Links?

You can try these methods:

1.      Headers

Look for headers in the navigation menu that you can link to. Yes, this would sneaky but there is no rule against this.

2.      Place Incentive Texts

You can include texts near the links telling your readers to click here if they want the “best prices”, or the “cheapest rates”. Just remember that Amazon doesn’t let users do this. You can try this with any other marketplace, however.

3.      Banner Ads

Use site-banners to your advantage. The best choices would be large banners with arrows. Of course, play around with the design so that you get the best placement.

Be smart with where you place the banner – placing images at the bottom would be the best.

Should You Shorten Your URL?

While on the topic, let’s discuss how you can shorten URLs. Doing this can give website owners many benefits:

  • You can make the page URL more memorable and gain more traffic
  • Most tools that enable you to shorten URLs also let you customize the text in them. Change the text to something that is relevant to the content to increase traffic
  • Shortening tools lets you see the number of people that have clicked them. Bitly is a good example of this. What’s also great about it is that some URL shorteners are automatically linked to Google Analytics
  • If you have made a video, and are running an ad campaign to a website, the chances of people searching for the website would be higher if its URL was short and customized
  • If you are trying to send users to a particular website in a print piece, you would benefit from having a short URL. There is no way they would be willing to type a long one. Having a URL that’s customized and easy to remember would also help.
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How Do You Shorten URLs?

Considering the advantages of having a short URL, you might be wondering how to do this.  There is special software that you can use. Buffer happens to be one of the best.

Here’s how you use it:

  • Go to the Buffer website
  • Tap on the Buffer for Business feature
  • Create and log into your account
  • Click Settings
  • Choose Link Shortening from the drop-down menu
  • You will be sent to a dashboard where you will see a variety of services
  • Select an option from the list that you like, and enter your link

You can add UTM tracking codes to shortened links. In case you’re not aware, this means that you would be able to plug Google Analytics into them.

How Do You use UTM Codes on Buffer?

All you need to do is:

  • Scroll down until you find the Google Analytics Campaign Tracking section
  • Enable Campaign Tracking
  • Tap the Customize Campaign Tracking button
  • You will see fields where you can add your campaign name, source and mediums

Disguising Links on Websites

There are many ways you can do this. The easiest would be to use a WordPress plugin. However, the most standard method would be to alter your href HTML code. Of course, if you want to completely disguise the link and make it invisible on your site, you would have to change with its color and font.

Hopefully you found everything that was discussed useful. Use these tips to disguise a link on a website.

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