Hey there PowerShell users! If you’re looking to add an aduser to a group you’ve come to the right place.

We’ll take you through the whole process step-by-step so you can get the job done quickly and easily.

Add aduser to group powershell

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Finding the Group

So you’ve decided to add an AD user to a group with PowerShell eh? Well you can’t do that without knowing the group that you’ll be adding the user to. Don’t worry though; I’m here to help.

The very first thing you need to do is figure out what group you’re trying to find. Depending on the size of your organization this could be a bit tricky as there may be multiple groups with similar-sounding names. If you’re lucky enough to have a very small domain then your job has been made a bit easier as it’s not likely that you’ll need to wade through dozens of groups.


Before you start make sure you have the following:

– Active Directory module installed
– Appropriate permissions
– User account details

Permission Description
Add-ADGroupMember Allows you to add users to an Active Directory group
Read-ADGroup Allows you to read the members of an Active Directory group

To start finding your group you’ll need to open the Active Directory Users and Computers console. Once it’s open go to your organization name expand it and you’ll see a list of all the groups in your domain.

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Look through the list until you find the group you’re looking for. When you find it jot down the full name of the group as you’ll need it for the next step. If you don’t find the group you’re looking for it’s likely been renamed or deleted so you’ll need to do some further digging to determine what’s happened to it.

Once you have the group name you can move on to the next step: adding that user to the group with PowerShell. So good luck and happy group hunting!

Adding the User to Group

Ahhh so you’re looking to get your user uploaded and into their group are ya? It sure can be tough maneuvering around all of Powershell’s hoops and hurdles especially if you aren’t too savvy with it. Don’t worry we’ve got your back! And don’t worry you don’t need to feel like you’ve just jumped into the deep end of the swimmin’ pool – this ain’t a race just take your time!

Now to get your user grouped up and a part of the collective you first need to make sure your user is listed in the active directory. Make sure the username is spelt correctly and the username is included in the directory. Once you have assured this it’s time to assign that user to the Powershell command.

Open up Powershell type in the user name and then type the command ‘Add-ADGroupMember’. After that type in the group name you’re trying to add your user to. At this point you should have a prompt box up and running. Don’t be intimidated by it it’s merely a reminder about the action you’re about to take. And once it’s confirmed your user will be officially entered into the group.

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With that you can pat yourself on the back and pop a bottle of champagne – you’ve done it! Adding your user to their group in the world of Powershell doesn’t have to be a daunting task. So long as you remember the little steps and the commands you’ll be golden. Congrats!

Verifying Membership

Sometimes you don’t realize your not-so-secret admirer has become a full-fledged member of your exclusive club until you check the register of members. The same can be said for verifying membership of a Windows security group.

Don’t fret—it’s actually quite a simple task. All you need to do is pull up the members list and you’ll know straight away where all your power-pals stand. To do this in PowerShell all you need to do is type Get-ADGroupMember with the group’s name entered in quotation marks.

If you’re the masochistic type and want to check said membership for an individual user there’s an even easier way. Simply bang in the command Get-AdUser -Properties MemberOf and hit enter and then you’ll be peeping at all the groups that user belongs to.

Voila! You can relax safe and secure in the knowledge that your recent addition to the cool club enjoyed a smooth and successful entry.
